

Many of us have wondered over the last few years if teaching English language arts could possibly change any more than it has.  We are quite frankly awed and amazed, if not overwhelmed, to find that even more changes are ahead.  SMETA-Southeast Missouri English Teachers Association-is dedicated to keeping English teachers up-to-date and informed of these changes.  This organization operates solely to keep us abreast of the latest English news and ideas through our newsletter and by bringing concerned English teachers-from our region and beyond-together to share and exchange ideas.

Membership in the association is open to all teachers of English at any school level and to all others interested in the work of the association.  Members are also encouraged to join the state Missouri Council of Teachers of English (MCTE) and national National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) associations.


WE NEED YOU!  We need your fellowship, your enthusiasm, your questions, and your ideas.  Would YOU please join us?  We are looking forward to getting to know you!


How Can You Join?


To join, we need a completed application and $10 membership dues. Attend our Fall Conference and membership is included in the conference fee.
Please contact

Myriah Miller

for more information and a copy of the application.  Checks may be made payable to SMETA. 


A membership application may also be obtained by highlighting and printing the form below and mailing it to Myriah. 





SMETA JOIN SMETA! Membership Form

Southeast Missouri English Teachers Association


Home Address:_____________________________________________________________________

Phone:____________________________________ Email:_________________________________


School District_____________________________________________ Send this form with payment of $10.00  to: Treasurer

Myriah Miller
Jackson High School
315 S. Missouri
Jackson, MO  63755

Make checks payable to SMETA